Made for Mini Jam 121: Reflection (Windows as a mechanic).

Please play in full screen! One of these days I'll learn how to set up the resolution correctly...

It's a bit of a hot mess but I had fun!

How to play:

Click a file to open a window.

You can drag the window by holding down the mouse along the top border.

Some of these windows have duplicate buttons which generate a mirrored version of that window (if it's not working you might have to wiggle the window a bit).

Click the button on the bottom left to spawn the player. A/D and Space to jump.

You cannot move the windows whilst the player is moving. Press the button again to enter edit mode.

Your goal is to get to the top right purple icon.


Victory Tune:




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(1 edit)

this is very good but i got stuck on lvl 5 💀